Giving thanks despite a difficult year


This year’s holidays are looking different compared to other years due to COVID-19.  Usual traditions and gatherings are having to be re-evaluated because the sizes of gatherings are shrinking and cases are rising. 

Teachers and students are modifying how they usually spend their Thanksgiving break. 

Mr. Wiens said that Thanksgiving is the most laid-back holiday and that he enjoys spending time with his family; however, that may look different this year due to cases rising in Shawnee County. Still, some traditions will remain.

“My family enjoys a sausage specifically made in Gosselin, Kansas.  I like stuffing a lot, and who doesn’t love pecan pie!” says Wiens. 

His favorite Thanksgiving drink is seasonal Apple-cider.  Wiens says that traditionally he will run in some type of “Turkey Trot” and then the rest of the day he will make poor decisions by eating a lot of food.  

Mr. O’Brien said that he really enjoys watching NFL football and being able to see family because throughout the year he doesn’t get to see them often.  

Around this holiday he said enjoys hot chocolate and eating “Stuffing, pumpkin pie, and my mom’s side of the family does tacos instead of turkey.” 

Gabriella Grace, junior, said, “My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is getting to spend time with family and friends.” 

Grace enjoys eating ham, mac-and-cheese, and mashed potatoes around this holiday but does not have a favorite Thanksgiving drink.

“Every year my family and I run a 5K before we eat Thanksgiving dinner,” Grace said, explaining a tradition from the Grace family. 

Hannah Mott, junior, said her favorite part about the holiday is “the food and the dog show after the Macy’s day parade.” 

She enjoys spending Thanksgiving with her family and friends.  Her favorite foods to eat on Thanksgiving would be mashed potatoes, rolls, and cream corn” as well as drinking Lemonade.  

Mott also said they have the tradition of watching the dog show and says “we make a bunch of pies.”

Although this year will look different for many families due to the pandemic, this does not stop what the meaning behind Thanksgiving is.