Avoiding the Coronavirus


Sean Riley

Washing hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds is an effective way to prevent coronavirus.

Across the world, a serious pandemic is spreading right now: COVID-19, popularly known as the Coronavirus. COVID-19 began in China, and mutated from a coronavirus that infects bats.

Because of  travel, trade, and essential business, the virus began to spread around the world. Schools, businesses and entertainment venues have been shut down. The nation hasn’t experienced a pandemic of the proportion since 1918. We are experiencing history at this very moment.

With the widespread panic of COVID-19, here are some steps that people should take to avoid the spread of the Coronavirus as much as possible.

 Wash your hands. One of the the best defenses against Covid-19 is to wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, making sure to get between the fingers and the backs of the hands. If you can’t wash your hands, hand sanitizer is the next best option.

 Avoid the five. If you have a job that requires closer contact with people, avoid handshakes and high-fives. This virus is spread by touching infected surfaces, so don’t touch other people.

Cough in your elbow – This is pretty much what you should do when you cough or sneeze anytime, but because of how infections the Coronavirus is, it’s wise to keep on doing this.

Don’t touch your face – As stated earlier, COVID-19 is spread through touch, and touching your face increase your chances of contracting the virus.

Space – The CDC recommends staying six feet away from others and avoiding groups of 10 people or more.  Because symptoms don’t present until up to two weeks after initial contact, you don’t know if a seemingly healthy person is a carrier of COVID-19 or not.

Stay home – While everyone loves to get out now and again, it’s important to stay home. This virus spreads through touch, so people should avoid contact with anyone outside of their immediate family, defined as the people you live with.

Remember to at least keep these in mind, and to stay safe, Vikings.